Retransfer Budget Worksheets

· How to modify Budget documents in MIP:

1. “Allow current Worksheet to transfer again” - Transfer Box.
Customer will check this option on first time transfer of the BD Document if they want to modify the same budget worksheet again. This option will keep the Document at level 10 to allow them to transfer the document again. (This option would be used if you plan to transfer as a DIFFERENT budget version.)
2. OR Distribute a new Worksheet to the requester, they will fill in the adjustment amount for particular account codes and transfer to MIP again. (In this scenario, the new adjustment amount will be added to the existing budget number for that segment. Enter a negative to reduce the existing amount.)
3. OR Create new BD Worksheet and enter only account codes that needs change and transfer to MIP. (Same as above, a negative would reduce the existing budget amount)
Note : The above options are used if the revisions of budget was not planned.

4. You can re-transfer the original budget worksheet from Microix and it will check in MIP if the original doc was posted at which time it will delete that original budget document and replace it with this new one.

· Salary Worksheet:
If you want to change the salary (increase) in the middle of the year and want employees to receive increased salary then change the action date to current month in which salary needs to be revised and click on create Dist code, this will create new allocation with increase salary from current month.

· FTE Rate on Salary Worksheet
This option is used if you want to give partial payment to employee (like seasonal Employee) then you can define percentage in FTE Column and it will adjust the salary and benefit as per this percentage.
· Refresh Worksheet
“Update each Employee Dist Code in Abila” – This option will update Dist Code for employee in Abila

· Plan for Next Year
YTD column = Total Expense Year to Date based on cut-of-date.
If in middle of March it will generate budget till 28th Feb.
YTD is actual data including API, JV, BD, NOT ENC.

Projected column or Estimated Actual Column = Total Expenses Year to Date + remaining budget for the balance of the current year

Actual Columns – All Years are budget for Full Years.
If you see 2 Budget column for same year (e.g., Budget 2014, Budget 2014) – this mean they are doing revision to the current 2014 Budget and one column is the earlier budget column and then other one is to enter revised Budget.